SEO with LotusJump


As you have probably read from my recent posts, I’ve been spending a lot of time recently trying to optimize my own website recently.  

I’ve been doing OK on my own, and now thought I would give a new tool a chance.

The new tool is put out by a company called LotusJump (  The trial has two basic purposes: 

1.  See if I can improve my own SEO

2.  Evaluate the value of the service provided by LotusJump

So, here’s the three words I have currently in the lotusjump SEO:

1.  Fort Wayne Web Design – which gets about 210 monthly searches

2. Custom Web Development – which gets about 2,900 monthly searches

Here are my current page results for each:

For “Fort Wayne Web Design”:

AOL: page 2 – #11
GOOGLE: page 2 – #11
LYCOS: not found
YAHOO: not found
MSN: page 1 – #8
NETSCAPE: page 2 – #11

For “Custom Web Development”:

AOL: not found 
GOOGLE: not found 
LYCOS: not found
YAHOO: not found
MSN: not found 
NETSCAPE: not found 

So, I’ve got plenty of room for the second term, also a little bit of room for improvement on my first.

I’m going to try it for 30 days and give you the result.  Consider it a running test…