What I Learned About Storytelling


Just this past week I was at the 2010 Story Conference at Park Community Church in downtown Chicago.

The Story Conference is a two day creative event for “the creative class in ministry”.  During these two days, 500 or so of use heard from filmmakers, authors, actors, musicians, web developers and more.  We had the privilege to hear from some of the most creative people who work inside the church and outside the church, those who share a common faith and those who don’t.  It was an incredible two days.

In order to fuel my own creativity and continue to inspire my own drive, I’ve collected some of my favorite quotes below.  Perhaps something I’ve listed will help fuel your own creativity as well.

The dilemma is that we cannot accomodate to the stories of this world and we cannot distance ourselves from the stories of this world
~ Dan Allender

We must bring into our world a taste of death – our stories that have affected us.
~ Dan Allender

There is violence in ever story (Genesis 16:1-6)
~ Dan Allender

God asks all of us two questions – where did you come from and where are you going.
~ Dan Allender

God is waiting to be named by us
~ Dan Allender

Don’t be innovative, be useful!
~ Jason Fried

The people of God have nothing to fear from the truth
~ Andrew Klavan

God inhabits our stories, our inner and outer worlds, as they are, not as we wish they were
~ Andrew Klavan

The truth is always on our side
~ Andrew Klavan

We long for answers, but what we have is a story
~ Sean Gladding

All time is redeemed by the singular person who remembers and resurrects. I remember, I keep the winter count. (Poem by Thomas McGrath)
~ Leonard Sweet

The church is the only place left that tries to reach the culture with words instead of images.
~ Leonard Sweet

Narrative is transformative
~ Richard Walter